On 13 July, at the Tivoli Oriente Lisboa Hotel, the FIOM Presentation Session – Market Opportunities Identification Sheets of CAR was held, carried out in the framework of the Project of the Sports Foundation – Internationalization of the National Network of CAR | High Performance Sport Centres of Portugal.
The realization of the FIOM of the CAR – High Income Centres was carried out by Deloitte, called a public tender in the context of the Project, like entities such as Market Access and Training Partners, in charge of carrying out complementary activities with a view to the internationalization of the CAR Network.
The Market Opportunities Identification Sheets aim to mark 10 new strategic destination markets for the 16 sports sports that integrate the offer of our RACs and select the TOP 5 of modalities with greater potential for internationalization in each of these 10 markets.
After the preparation of the FIOM, it was up to Training Partners to promote this presentation session, as well as to hold the next validation meetings of the identified opportunities, with key actors in the target markets.
The Presentation Session of the Market Opportunities Identification Sheets of the RAG was attended by representatives of the following bodies:
- AICEP – Agencia para o Investimento e Comércio Externo de Portugal;
- Câmara de Comércio e Indústria de Portugal;
- Gabinete do Secretário de Estado da Juventude e do Desporto;
- IPDJ – Instituto Português do Desporto e Juventude, I.P;
- Turismo de Portugal, I.P;
- UTAD – Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e alto Douro
- Deloitte, Market Access, Training Partners e Fundação do Desporto.